Casting in Art Museums

Photocasting, Podcasting and Vodcasting in Art Museums: English + Español

Forbidden Photos inside Art Museums

guggenheim 9, originally uploaded by Majaderos.

I wonder why visitors can take photos and record with their own video cameras in some museums but not in others. An example of this happens at the Guggenheim Museum of New York. Recording is only allowed from its main level but not from the upper ones. However, anyone will easily see people shooting from all along the ramp with all kind of specific devices (not only cell phones.) Why some museums are so reluctant to embrace and adapt themselves to the needs of current visitors and professionals? How is then the public’s interaction valued?

This photo was taken inside the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao (Spain). It was obtained furtively and belongs to a group called Fotos Prohibidas (Forbidden Photos) that takes photos in places where it is not allowed. Shoud be Art Museums that kind of places?

1 Responses to “Forbidden Photos inside Art Museums”

  1. # Blogger Dr. Malcolm

    qué foto tan buena ;-)

    fue tomada dejando la cámara "abandonada" sobre una barandilla con el disparador automático, sin flash y con un tiempo de apertura de 1/6.

    te añado al blogroll  

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